Help Us Construct Permanent Classrooms for BPS

The Buddhist Peace School (BPS) is an educational program initiated by the Uganda Buddhist Centre (UBC) with the aim of providing value-based and holistic education to underprivileged children in Uganda. It is founded on Buddhist ethics, emphasizing the values of peace, tolerance, and compassion as the guiding principles for both teachers and students. By integrating these teachings into the curriculum and daily school life, BPS aims to nurture well-rounded individuals who not only excel academically but also possess a deep sense of empathy and social responsibility. Keeping this in mind, the BPS’ vision “Peace for All”, and the mission is “to bring forth knowledge and wisdom by the way of training the head, heart, hands, health and happiness (5H)”.

At the core of BPS is the commitment to provide education to children who lack access to quality schooling due to financial constraints or other challenging circumstances. By reaching out to needy children, the project seeks to break the cycle of poverty and offer them opportunities for a brighter future.

Moreover, the vision of the School extends beyond Uganda’s borders. The ultimate goal is to create a moral-based model school that serves as a prototype for educational institutions throughout Africa. By sharing the success and impact of BPS with other countries, the project will inspire the replication of its values-based approach, fostering a generation of compassionate and mindful leaders across the continent.

While the school has been operating diligently, we face a critical challenge with inadequate infrastructure. Our current facilities are temporary, limiting the scope of our educational programs and posing risks during harsh weather conditions. We believe that every child deserves access to a safe and comfortable learning environment, and that’s why we are determined to construct permanent classrooms. 

With the construction of these new state-of-the-art classrooms, the horizons of the Buddhist Peace School will expand beyond measure, unlocking the potential to not only enrich the primary education of our young learners but also to extend our impact by introducing a secondary school. 

This transformational milestone will empower us to nurture students through their formative years, providing a seamless and holistic educational journey that instills the values of compassion, wisdom, and excellence from their early days until they step confidently into the world as enlightened and empowered individuals. 

Today, we embark on a crucial mission – to construct permanent classrooms that will provide a conducive learning environment for our students. We invite you, our compassionate donors, to join hands with us in this noble cause. 

We firmly believe that collective efforts yield extraordinary results. No donation is small; every coin you contribute makes a significant impact. Your generosity will shape the lives of these young learners, providing them with an education that will open doors to opportunities they never thought possible.

How You Can Help

Here are a few ways you can contribute:

  1. Make a Donation—whether it’s a dollar or more, your donation will go directly to constructing permanent classrooms and supporting our educational initiatives.
  • Spread the Word—share our cause with your family, friends, and social networks. Your voice can amplify our message and inspire others to join our mission.
  • Fundraising Events—host a fundraising event in your community, workplace, or online platform to rally support for the Buddhist Peace School.
  • Corporate Sponsorship—if you represent a company or organization, consider sponsoring a classroom or providing in-kind support for our initiatives.

For further information regarding this project, please send us an email at or WhatsApp +256 775 019180