BPS Breaks Off for Term 2 Holidays

The Buddhist Peace School has embarked on a well-deserved respite, signaling the conclusion of another enriching term. With the second term gracefully winding down, students and educators are looking forward to embracing a period of reflection, rejuvenation, and connection with loved ones. Following this interlude, the school is set to resume third term on September 18, 2023.

The term break serves as a reserve for both learners and educators to pause, reflect, and realign with their inner selves. In a world often bustling with activity, this pause offers an invaluable opportunity to recharge and gather new perspectives.

During the holiday, learners and their families are encouraged to explore guided meditation sessions and extend acts of kindness within their communities. This aligns seamlessly with the ethos of the Buddhist Peace School, where learning extends beyond the confines of the classroom, intertwining education with personal enrichment.

The distinctive ethos of the Buddhist Peace School extends to its educators as well. Teachers will be immersed in sessions that focus on their professional development, aiming to enhance their skill sets and further integrate Buddhist principles into their pedagogical approaches.

BPS’ goals for the upcoming third term encompass improving academic excellence through innovative teaching, fostering ethical and mindful development inspired by Buddhism, nurturing global citizenship and cross-cultural understanding, prioritizing holistic well-being through mindfulness and wellness initiatives, strengthening community engagement and maintaining a commitment to continuous improvement.